If there are multiple EV servers in the site then these should also be similarly updated in order to maintain a common standard in the site. in the example above the ComputerName value should be changed from EVSERVER1 to. To resolve this problem the ComputerName value in the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database for the Enterprise Vault server needs to be modified to be Fully Qualified.
(FSAReportingService) EV:H CFSAReporting::get_Servers. The entries below will also be logged in this dtrace: (FSAReportingService) EV:L CFSAReporting::get_Servers method called | (FSAReportingService) EV-M GetConfigurationInformation : domainName = testdomain.local,serverName = ,version = 10. (FSAReportingService) EV:L CFSAReporting::GetEVServerAliasName function leaving with result:1 (FSAReportingService) EV:L CFSAReporting::GetEVServerAliasName EVServer Alias is Error MessageĪ dtrace of the fsareportingservice process on the FSA Reporting Proxy EV server shows that this process is unable to determine the computer name for the server it is running on: (FSAReportingService) EV:L CFSAReporting::GetEVServerAliasName FQDN is EVSERVER1 FSA Reporting Scans do not start when an Enterprise Vault (EV) Server is used as the FSA Reporting Proxy Server and the ComputerName value for this EV server in the ComputerEntry table of the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database is not Fully Qualified.